Game Preview


  •  English    20     Public
    Gr11 History
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Analyze the reasons for why many nations started to band in military alliances after WWII. Mention some examples of those alliances.
    Open-Book Question. Group Research. Group chooses a representative to answer on their behalf.
  •  25
  • In August 1957, the Soviets announced the development of a rocket that could travel great distance. It was referred to as ______________
    An Intercontinental Balistic Missile (ICBM)
    Biological Weapon
    Apollo I
  •  15
  • Clarify what increased the tension between USSR and Western Europe.
    The Berlin Blockade
    The Iron Curtain
    The Marshall Plan
    The formation of the UN
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  • Verify the policy that aimed to prevent the spread of communism by blocking Soviet influence.
    Truman Show
    Marshall Plan
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  • The Truman Doctrine promised economic aid to any country under the threat of communism. It also intensified ----------------- between America and USSR.
    diplomatic hostilities
    diplomatic cooperation
    military competition
    economic competition
  •  15
  • Point out which term came to represent Europe’s division into mostly democratic Western Europe and Communist Eastern Europe.
    Marshall Plan
    The Iron Curtain
    Federal German Republic
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  • Infer why Great Britain and France received so much aid.
    USA wanted to compensate them for their losses during WWII
    They were the principal US allies during WWII
    None of the answers is correct
    Two of the answers are correct
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  • Specify the response of the Soviet Union when France, Britain, and the United States decided to withdraw their forces from Germany and allow their occupation zones to form one nation in 1948.
    Building the Berlin Wall
    Bombing Germany with missiles
    Holding West Berlin hostage
    Declaring war on Germany
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  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the steps taken by different nations to control the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Were those steps sufficient? Explain your answer.
    Open-Book / Research Question. Group work. Speaker chosen by the group.
  •  25
  • Specify the person who stated that the United States would “retaliate instantly, by means and at places of our own choosing.”
    John Foster Dulles
    Harry Truman
    George Marshall
  •  15
  • ----------------- is a struggle over political differences carried on by means short of military action or war.
    Marshall Plan
    Cold War
    Iron Curtain
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  • T/F: After WWII, the United States and the Soviet Union started to have the same goals.
    False; they had conflicting goals and that was one of the main reasons behind the beginning of the Cold War, which lasted for almost 50 years.
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  • Verify the policy of demonstrating a willingness to engage in a war to protect national interests.
    Truman Doctrine
    Warsaw Pact
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  • Point out the dispute between the Soviet Union and the United States that resulted from the shooting down of a spy plane.
    Marshall Plan
    Launching Sputnik I
    U-2 Incident
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  • This names the first satellite to be launched into space by any country.
    USSR Enterprise Line
    Sputnik I
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  • The _________ provided Eastern and Western boundaries after World War II.
    meeting at Potsdam
    USSR Blockade of Berlin
    building of the Berlin Wall
    US Policy of Brinkmanship
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