Game Preview

Our Classroom Charter, or Grab Bag

  •  English    15     Public
    We need to review the rules of engagement in room 111
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Why is listening to kids so important in room 111?
    Listening, is often known as " The Art of the Deal."
    Mr. Clayton's head hurts when no one is listening to eachoth
    Everyone wants to feel heard. It makes everyone feel safe.
    Without Kids, most teachers would not have a job.
  •  15
  • Why is it important to be functioning as a group?
    Answer can be a lot of things. Convince me.
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  • What was the best Focus point prize we've gotten this year.
    None. Nothing was all that great.
    extra homework and chicken noodle soup without noodles.
    Transistor Radios for everyone
    So many things, it's hard to really know
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  • What does it mean to feel optimistic?
    It means, you want good things for your circle of friends.
    It means, just forget about it. It's fine.
    It means that you are hoping for the best and wanting good.
    It means, good or bad, it's just things and who cares.
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  • Name something that we can do in this classroom when we want to feel calm?
    Answers will vary.
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  • How is being motivated different than being calm?
    Motivated is determined. Calm is relaxed
    Neither is true. Taylor Swift says OK!
    It's easier to be determined when calm--but choose another.
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  • Which one of these quotes is not from a Taylor Swift song?
    “I never want to change so much that people can't recognize
    "Time is constant, but so is my heavy heavy heart."
    "Shake it off"
    “It's hard to fight when the fight ain't fair.”
  •  15
  • Which is not an example of kindness?
    Jumping on every mistake someone else makes and saying so.
    Patience when they bug, cause they don't always bug.
    Sharing a snack with someone
    Ignoring someone when you are sure they mean no harm.
  •  15
  • Why is it important to make mistakes?
    It's the best way to learn!
    I am just a mouse why am I even in this answer box?
    If I don't make mistakes, everyone will love me.
    So that the Mariners can win the World Series.
  •  15
  • Why is it important to honor difference in this class.
    It's the only way to get to lunch on time
    Honor differences? I don't like that.
    Cause it is a kind thing to do and makes us all stronger.
    Cause Mr. Bremson says.
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  • True or False: The yo-yo was also called a bandalore in the 17th century.
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  • Tell us about a pet you have for 15 points--or a favorite veggie.
    answers will vary.
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  • What is Taylor Swift's lucky number?
  •  15
  • A Shark can close it's eyes.
  •  15
  • A crossbreed between a donkey and the zebra is known as?
    Striped Donkza
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