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Girls Group Scenarios

  •  English    7     Public
    Girls grou[
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  • Your friend at school just came back from vacation and is happy to see you. She comes towards you to give you a hug, demonstrate what you would do to give consent for your friend to hug you?
  •  15
  • Your aunt that you're super close with sees you at the mall and approaches you with a hug and a kiss, demonstrate what you would say to decline consent?
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  • Your swimming instructor is teaching you how to float in the pool during your lesson and wants to show you how to position your arms and legs in order to float. You do not feel comfortable with him touching you. Demo saying no.
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  • A random girl in your dance class asks you for a hug, but you do not feel comfortable getting a hug from her since you dont know her that well. Demonstrate declining consent
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  • Your super close cousin greets you happy birthday and tries to hug you, demonstrate how you would give consent
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  • Your aunt that you see every 3 years reaches over to kiss your forehead and hug, demonstrate how you would decline consent
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  • You are at the hospital to get your leg checked out for a sprain after playing soccer. The nurses ask you to remove your pants so that she can examine your leg but you do not feel comfortable until mom is in the room, demo declining consent
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