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Ellie's Quiz

  •  English    13     Public
    Everything I have learned
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What does it mean to have an open mind?
    To be flexible. If there is a change you are OK with the change and let it happen.
  •  15
  • Is this an example of an open mind or closed mind: Today they are ordering sushi at the cafeteria and I don't want sushi. I want pizza. I get upset.
    Closed mind
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  • How do you know if something was an accident?
    If the person looks surprised and says sorry!
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  • Was this an accident or on purpose: Someone spilled water on my head and did not apologize
    On purpose
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  • If you ask someone to play and they say no, what should you do?
    Say OK and find another friend!
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  • Why is it important to learn information about our friends (example: what they like and don't like)
    You will know what they like to play, it shows you care about them, helps you to know what you have in common which then lets you have fun conversations !
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  • What does it mean to be a good friend?
    Helping someone, being respectful, being encouraging
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  • How do you know if someone is being a bad friend?
    They are being disrespectful and not kind to you
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  • What is the difference between tattling and telling?
    Tattling is when you tell an adult when the problem was not a big deal, it did not harm anyone, it did not affect you
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  • Is this tattling or telling: You see your sister taking an extra cookie at a birthday party so you tell your mom
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  • If someone has their arms crossed and are stomping their feet, what are they likely feeling?
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  • Someone's eye brows are up, their eyes are open and their mouth is in the shape of an "O." What are they feeling?
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  • It's someone first day of school so they talk in a quiet and slow voice. What might they be feeling?
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