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Lowman-Exploration-Industrial Revolution

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  • Reasons for Exploration
    Include increase wealth (gold), expand empire (glory) and spread Christianity (God).
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  • Spain
    claimed Florida, Texas, California & built missions
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  • France
    claimed land in New World to profit from fur trading
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  • New England Economy
    fishing, lumbering, shipbuilding, harbors
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  • Religious Toleration
    Roger Williams started religious toleration in Rhode Island
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  • Southern Colonies Economy
    Transatlantic Slave Trade, plantations, cash crops, fertile soil led to different economy than North
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  • Quakers
    1st anti-slavery group, lived in Pennsylvania
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  • Maryland
    a place for Catholics to live peacefully
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  • Reasons for Growth of Representative/Self Government
    distance from Britain, Mayflwoer Compact, Virginia House of Burgesses, Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
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  • Mercantilism
    British controlled colonial trade, angered colonists
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  • Proclamation of 1763
    law forbid colonists from moving west of Appalachian Mountains, angered colonists
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  • Consent of Governed
    belief British should have permission of colonists to pass taxes, main reason for American Revolution
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  • Intolerable Acts
    the British response to the Boston Tea Party, increased tension between colonists and British, led to First Continental Congress
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  • Saratoga
    turning point of war, France joined with Patriots
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  • Yorktown
    last major battle resulting in British defeat, Britain then signed Treaty of Paris and recognized U.S. independence.
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  • Articles of Confederation
    first government, Congress can negotiate treaties and declare war, no executive branch.
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