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Meet MLK Review game

  •  English    26     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • When and where was MLK jr. born? Answer in a complete sentence.
    King was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia.
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  • Did Martin Luther King Jr. grow up poor? Use a quote from the text to support your answer. (p4)
    No, "The Kings lived in a large, comfortable house."
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  • Complete the sentence. (page 9) Martin’s neighbor told him not to play with her sons anymore because...
    Martin was black and the neighbors children were white.
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  • What did Martin’s father do that shows he hated the Jim Crow laws? Give a quote to support your answer. (page 12)
    "M. L.'s father hated the laws. He tried very hard to fight segregation. He would not ride Atlanta buses."
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  • What were Jim Crow laws? Give an example. Answer in a complete sentence.
    Jim Crow laws were laws that kept black and white people separated. (Many examples)
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  • What did Martin win when he was 15? (Page 15) Answer in a complete sentence.
    When he was 15, Martin won an important speaking contest in Atlanta.
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  • Why did Martin become a minister? Find a quote to support your answer. (page 19)
    "People listened when a minister spoke. Maybe as a minister he could do more to help black people."
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  • What did Gandhi do to protest cruel and unfair laws in India? Answer in a complete sentence. (page 22-23)
    Gandhi protested by passive resistance.
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  • Black people in Montgomery planned to boycott the buses. What does it mean to boycott?
    Boycott means that black people would stop riding the busses.
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  • How did Martin and Coretta know the boycott worked? Use a quote from the text to support your answer. (page 36)
    "Another empty bus drove by. And then another. The boycott was working!"
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  • On page 47, it says, “A news reporter handed Martin with exciting news from the United States Supreme Court.” What did the note say?
    The note said that segregation on city buses was against the law.
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  • 1. What happened one afternoon in February 1960 in Greensboro, North Carolina? (page 53) Answer in a complete sentence.
    Four black students sat at the Jim Crow lunch counter.
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  • What did white people do to the students sitting at the lunch counter? How did the young black people react? (page 54)
    The white people would not serve the young black people and called them bad names. The black people pretended they did not hear, they just sat quietly.
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  • How did the sit-ins change restaurants across the South? Use a quote to support your answer (hint: p56).
    "And at last some of the Jim Crow stores gave up. They agreed to let black people eat at their lunch counters."
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  • What is a “freedom ride?” (p57) Answer in a complete sentence.
    A freedom ride is a sit in on an interstate bus.
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  • Complete the sentence. When white people were attacking the church, (Page 59)
    black people sang "We Shall Overcome" and did not fight back.
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