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CFA 5 Review- Industrial Revolution

  •  English    23     Public
    Industrial Revolution in the United States
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Limited trade with Britain during Embargo, War blocked imports from Britain
    Causes of Increased Manufacutring
  •  5
  • more efficient production, price decreases, urbanization, increased profit
    Industrial Revolution Effects
  •  15
  • Britain stopped impressment, Nationalism (Patriotism), Manufacturing grows
    Effects of the War of 1812
  •  15
  • A canal between the New York cities of Albany and Buffalo, Impacted midwest near great lakes.
    Erie Canal
  •  15
  • Cause of the War of 1812
    Impressement of U.S. Sailors
  •  15
  • Identical pieces that could be assembled quickly by unskilled workers, impact: mass production
    Interchangeable Parts
  •  15
  • Agriculture Technology increases settler's efficiency and productivity
    Western Impact of Industrial Revolution
  •  15
  • Education: kindergarten, physical education, public education, Culture: musical instruments like tuba, expansion of Christian holidays
    German Contributions to U.S. Culture
  •  15
  • Increased number of banks (capital), prices decrease because manufacturing became more efficient,
    Financial Changes during the Industrial Revolution
  •  15
  • Why did urbanization increase during the Industrial Revolution?
    Factories offer housing and jobs
  •  15
  • Why did the Irish immigrate to the United States
    Escape Potato famine and harsh economic conditions
  •  15
  • Why did the Chinese immigrate to the United States during the 19th century?
    work building transcontinental railroad (west) and escape harsh economic conditions
  •  15
  • Which two economic groups immigrated to the U.S. to escape harsh economic conditions?
    Irish and Chinese
  •  15
  • What were the benefits of advanced industrial technology?
    Production improved and competition increased
  •  15
  • What economic system is characterized by minimal government regulation, supply and demand, and economic freedom?
    Free Enterprise
  •  15
  • What was the effect of the steamboat?
    Tourism developed, fares decreased, shipping costs of goods decreased
  •  15