Game Preview


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  • infectious
    An infectious disease can be passed from one person to another./ zakaźny
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  • gain
    to get something useful or positive/ zyskać, uzyskać
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  • brag
    to talk with too much pride about what you have done or what you own/ chwalić się, przechwalać się
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  • mother tongue
    the first language that you learn when you are a child/ język ojczysty
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  • inappropriate
    not suitable/ niewłaściwy, niestosowny
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  • offensive
    likely to make people angry or upset/ obraźliwy
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  • flock
    to move or come together in large numbers/ przybywać tłumnie, tłoczyć się
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  • envy
    to wish that you had something that someone else has/ zazdrościć
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  • apprenticeship
    a period of time when someone learns the skills needed to do a job by working for someone who already has skills and experience/ praktyka
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  • mammoth
    very large/ gigantyczny
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  • extinct
    If a type of animal is extinct, it does not now exist./ wymarły
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  • alternative
    one of two or more things that you can choose between/ alternatywa
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  • amount
    to add up to/ opiewać na, wynosić
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  • noughts and crosses
    a game in which the players try to make a line of three noughts or crosses between vertical and horizontal lines/ 'kółko i krzyżyk'
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  • pitch
    the things someone says in order to persuade you to do something/ sposób reklamy
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  • pitch
    to try to persuade someone to do something/ zachwalać, reklamować
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