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P100 Chapter 12

  •  English    24     Public
    Review of concepts from Chapter 12
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  • What is the generic mission of corrections? What do they seek to do?
    Protect society from the offenders while allowing the offenders to have opportunities to change & rehabilitate
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  • List some of the common issues that arise with correctional officers and their job dissatisfaction
    Burn-out, under-appreciation, over-worked, frustrated due to the chaotic nature of the job, issues with the inmates they supervise
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  • T/F: Approximately 1/3 inmates suffer from mental illness, which continues to be one of the main issues among corrections
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  • What is the most common solution to dealing with mental illness in correctional settings?
    Medication rather than treatment (simply due to funding & the amount of inmates that have these issues)
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  • T/F: Sexual assault is another common problem in prisons with around 40% of inmates reporting that they have experienced some form of it since being incarcerated
    False; it is a problem, but the percentage is around 10%
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  • Which inmates are the most susceptible to victimization?
    Young, first-time offenders, & the mentally ill
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  • T/F: Diseases are especially dangerous in prison settings and the rate of HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, and Tuberculosis are more common in prisons than in the average population
    True; STD's are also extremely common as well
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  • T/F: in prisons, the suicide rate is approximately 6X higher than the average population
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  • T/F: Older inmates are more likely to commit suicide than any other incarcerated age group
    False; youngest inmates are most likely
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  • Suicides are more common in ____ than ____ and most often occur within the first week of detention
    Jails, prisons
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  • The core responsibilities of correctional staff are to ____, _____, and _________ over inmates
    Control, care, & take custody
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  • What happened in the Stanford Prison Experiment?
    The guards became power-hungry and abused their authority over the inmates; the experiment had to end early due to the issues that quickly arose
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  • Correctional positions are often "rank and file" similar to that of policing. What does this mean?
    It is a hierarchy, so it goes from: officers, captains, lieutenants, to sergeants and usually ends with the warden of the prison
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  • T/F: Around 80% of inmates have a history of substance use disorders (SUD's)
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  • T/F: Many prisons give inmates one warning after a drug/alcohol use/possession while in prison before they are in trouble, written up, sent to solitary, etc.
    False; zero-tolerance policies
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  • T/F: Male prisoners are more likely than females to have drug/alcohol problems, mental health issues, and instances of trauma
    False; women are more likely
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