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City vocabulary

  •  English    16     Public
    Vocabulary and phrases
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • move out of the city
    relocate to the countryside
  •  15
  • moving from one place to another
    get/getting from A to B
  •  15
  • a long journey from your house to your work
  •  15
  • got angry while driving because of traffic jams
    suffered from road rage
  •  15
  • the cost of public transport is much too high
    extortionate / a rip-off
  •  15
  • how much everything costs
    the (general) cost of living
  •  15
  • houses are really expensive for young people
    young people are priced out of the housing market
  •  15
  • saving money to start buying a house
    pitting money aside for a deposit
  •  15
  • more crime than before
    rising crime/ crime rates have rocketed
  •  15
  • part of the city that people afraid to go
    no-go areas
  •  15
  • behavior that makes people uncomfortable or afraid
    anti-social behavior
  •  15
  • the shortage of green areas
    the lack of green spaces
  •  15
  • places for children to play
    play facilities
  •  15
  • air quality is not as good as used to be
    air quality is worsened
  •  15
  • traffic congestion and more cars HAVE LED to serious air pollution
  •  15
  • the really loud sound of traffic
    the roar of traffic
  •  15