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Integumentary and endocrine review

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  •  English    39     Public
    integumentary and endocrine systems
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • The endocrine system is a system of ductless glands that secrete what?
  •  15
  • A chemical messenger made by the endocrine system is known as
  •  15
  • How do hormones travel thur the body
    in the blood stream
  •  15
  • What is known as the master gland
    the pituitary gland
  •  15
  • What is known as the master gland
    the pituitary gland
  •  15
  • What is known as the master gland
    the pituitary gland
  •  15
  • Where does the pituitary gland sit in the cranium
    sella turcia
  •  15
  • Thyrotropin is more commonly known as
    Thyroid stimulating hormone
  •  15
  • Somatotropin is more commonly known as
    Growth hormone
  •  15
  • What gland makes growth hormone
    The pidtuitary gland
  •  15
  • What hormone produced by the pituitary gland stimulates the production of ovum and spem
    Follicle stimulating hormone
  •  15
  • What hormone made by the pituitary gland stimulates the production of melanin in the skin
    Melanocyte stimulating hormone
  •  15
  • What hormone causes the uterurs to contract duirng childbirth
  •  15
  • What effect does the ADH (antidiurectic hormone) have on blood pressure
  •  15
  • What is the only temporary organ of the endocrine system
  •  15
  • If you have an over active thyroid gland you make develope a _________ in the neck area
  •  15