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Road Awareness Quiz!

  •  English    15     Public
    Basically, the title
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  • Finish this safety tip: Stop, Look and _______?
    Lay some new carpet in your Grandmother's living room
  •  15
  • Is it ok to cross a road between two parked cars?
    No. Why do you think that is?
  •  15
  • When should you avoid using the pavement?
    NEVER! Always use the pavement as long is it is possible!
  •  15
  • What are these markings for?
    To help warn people with vision impairment of hazrads in their path
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  • In general, is it safer to cross the road on a bend, or on a straight?
    On a straight!
  •  15
  • What sort of clothes should you wear if you are walking around at night?
    Hi-Vis/Bright clothes
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  • What colour are a car's reversing lights?
  •  15
  • Horses love loud noises! (True or False?)
  •  15
  • If there is no pavement, which side of the road should you walk on?
    The right hand side! (So that you are facing the traffic coming towards you)
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  • Who, by law, has the right of way (gets to go first) on a Zebra Crossing?
    Cars (if they drive fast enough)
    People walking
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  • By law, in the UK, do you have to cross the road at a proper crossing place?
    No! (But it is a lot safer!)
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  • Sloths are the best animal ever
  •  15
  • Cyclists should cycle on the pavement, it's too dangerous on the road
    False, cyclists should be using the road!
    True, cyclists can go where the please!
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  • The bigger your vehicle, the more freedom you have on the road! (True or False)
  •  15
  • Running across the road is safer because you cross the road faster
    No! You are much more likely to trip or fall!
  •  15