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Seasons: Introduction

  •  English    15     Public
    The 4 Seasons
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • How many seasons are there?
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  • What season is it? It is cold outside, sometimes it snows or rains, and it gets dark early.
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  • What season is it? The leaves have changed colors and are falling off the tree. There is a slight breeze and it is a little bit chilly.
    Autumn (Fall)
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  • What season is it? The flowers begin to bloom, the temperature is sunny but mild, and sometimes it rains.
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  • What season is it? The sun is bright and the temperature is hot. It doesn't get dark until late in the day.
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  • Guess the season! Flowers begin to bloom. You see a lot of butterflies, bees, and birds. A lot of baby animals are born.
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  • Can you build a snowman in the winter?
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  • Would a snowman melt in the summer?
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  • Guess the season! A lot of people like to play at the beach and swim in swimming pools. There are a lot of hot, sunny days.
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  • Guess the season! You see a lot of gold, yellow, and brown leaves on the trees. The stores sell pumpkins. Sometimes it is windy.
    Autum (Fall)
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  • Do the same seasons repeat every year?
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  • Can lakes freeze in the winter due to the cold?
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  • What is the weather like in the summer?
    Hot, warm, sunny
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  • What is the weather like in the winter?
    Cold, rainy, snowy
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  • Guess the season! You need a warm jacket. It rains or snows a lot. Some trees are bare. It's nice to stay inside by a fire.
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