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Context Clues

  •  English    19     Public
    Context Clues
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  • Mom began to feel agitated after she asked her son to clean up his mess for the tenth time. What does "agitated" mean?
    to feel or look upset
    stir or beat something quickly
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  • Since he had never been away from home before, Chase had reservations about his overnight summer camp. What does "reservations" mean in this sentence?
    something on hold
    a table at a restaurant
    a piece of land held for Native Americans
    Feeling uncertain about doing something
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  • Being in the company of such a sweet group of students made the teacher love her job even more. What does "company" mean in this sentence??
    away from
    same state
    a business or organization
    being with others, especially friends
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  • Jackie had a range of feelings as she headed off to college. She was excited for the next step in her life, but nervous about leaving home. What does "range" mean in this sentence?
    a series of mountains or hills
    a kitchen appliance that includes an oven and stove
    A group of thing that are similar in some way
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  • It was impossible for the baby to sleep with all the racket her brother was making! What does "racket" mean in this sentence?
    playing PS5
    a piece of equipment used to hit a ball
    a loud noise
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  • David's new job teaching at the college, which he had been preparing for for years, was well-suited for him. What does "suited" mean in this sentence?
    not good together
    dress clothes including matching pants and jacket
    The wrong decision
    A good fit for a particular person, thing, or situation
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  • On the Titanic, the servant's quarters were not nearly as glamorous as those in first class. What does "quarters" mean in this sentence?
    A section of a living area; "living quarters"
    The engine room
    Parts of a whole divided evenly into 4 parts
    United States currency worth 25 cents
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  • As Mona walked off the graduation stage, she couldn't believe she finally had her college degree. What does "degree" mean in this sentence?
    A measure of angles
    A certificate a student receives after completing college
    A deodarant
    A measure of temperature
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  • Even though George knew that his mom was bound to find out about his bad grade, he was still surprised when he got in trouble. What does "bound" mean in this sentence?
    A report card
    Fasten together
    To leap or jump high
    To be certain something will happen
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  • Sophie scaled the mountain with her dad, meeting the goal that they had set for the day. What does "scaled" mean in this sentence?
    something used to measure weight
    the outside of a fish
    to climb carefully up a surface
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  • Bill had a tender heart, and he was crushed when he found out that his son was upset with him. What does "tender" mean in this sentence?
    caring and kindhearted
    sensitive to pain
    young or immature
    fuel used to start a fire
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  • The faint sound of thunder in the distance was not loud enough to awaken the sleeping family. What does the word "faint" mean in this sentence?
    small in size, sound, taste, smell, or touch
    to pass out
    large amount
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  • After sitting through the dull presentation, Bernie couldn't wait to hang out with her friends and explore the city. What does "dull" mean in this sentence?
    does not reflect
    not sharp
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  • Shane needed to screen the babysitter to be sure that he could trust her to take care of his babies. What does "screen" mean in this sentence?
    to learn more about or investigate a person
    a wall or divider used for shelter
    a panel on electronics were images are displayed
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  • When the baby's new teeth were about to sprout, he would gum ice cubes in a pouch to make them feel better. What does "gum" mean in this sentence?
    the pink area of flesh above teeth
    chewing or bubble
    a sticky substance that leaks from trees
    To chew with gums and no teeth
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  • Martha enjoyed going to Farmer's Markets so that she could get the sweetest, freshest produce in town. What does "produce" mean in this sentence?
    to make something
    a food that has been made or grown, especially by farming
    to cause something to happen
    to change
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