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Business English 4 (2018) Unit 20

  •  English    16     Public
    Unit 11 to Unit1 9
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  • 1. We can’t give you a discount (if/unless) you increase your order. Please choose the best answer.
    Unless/You can pass to the next level unless you do what?
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  • A nurse’s job is (the same as/the same liked/ifferent from) a doctor’s. Please choose the best answer.
    Different from/Is your job different from others?
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  • The room was cheap. They booked it. → The room that.....Please complete the sentence using.
    The room that they booked was cheap.
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  • We took off forty minutes late; a lot of people were angry (with) the delay. This sentence is correct or incorrect.
    Incorrect, about/What are you angry about?
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  • I expected the flight attendants to help me, but they didn’t. → They should (have helped) me. This sentence is correct or incorrect.
    This sentence is correct/Should your last flight attendent have treated you better?
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  • The staff at the airport were rude. The staff at the aiport weren’t very p................ Please complete the sentence.
    Polite/Who isn't very polite at work?
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  • I cut (myself/me) using the paper cutter in the office. Please choose the best answer.
    I cut myself using the paper cutter in office/Have you ever cut yourself?
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  • The company is warning clients to expect delays. → Clients (are being warned/are warning) to expect delay by the company.
    Are being warned/Are you being warned by someone?
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  • They were disappointed (with/about) the tour guide because she couldn’t answer their questions. Please choose the correct answer.
    With / Are you dissapointed with something or someone?
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  • The airline lost our luggage. → The airline (shouldn't have lost) our luggage. This sentence is correct or incorrect.
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  • Cheryl slipped on the ice and hurt (herself/her) arm. Please choose the best answer.
    Her / Have you ever hurt your leg or arm?
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  • They are towing away the cars. → The cars (were) being towed. This sentence is correct or incorrect.
    Incorrect, are / Is your being repaired or washed at this moment?
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  • A paramedic was examining Bert when I arrived. → Bert (was b...........) when I arrived. Please finish the sentence.
    Bert was being examined
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  • Oscar (bruised himself/burned himself) while cooking dinner. Please choose the best answer.
    Burned himself / Have you ever burned yourself?
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  • Our hotel room wasn’t ready when we arrived. → The room (should h..........) ready for us. Please finish the sentence.
    Should have been ready / What should have been done or happen today?
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  • The passenger was very friendly. I spoke to her. → The passenger I spoke....... Please finish the sentence.
    To was very friendly
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