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  •  English    16     Public
    drug trafficking
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • After the arrest they were sent to the ... (a place in jail for drug cases).
  •  20
  • Melissa Reid, the accomplice, was a ... from Scotland.
  •  15
  • How much was the cocaine worth?
    1.5 million £
  •  15
  • How much cocaine did they hide in the suitcases?
    11 kg (nearly 12)
  •  20
  • Give 2 synonyms for 'drug mule'.
    drug trafficker and smuggler
  •  20
  • Translate the Dutch word 'beslissing' and spell it.
  •  20
  • How were the girls dubbed in the tabloids back then?
    The Peru 2
  •  20
  • What did the girls initially claim after they were caught?
    That they were forced.
  •  20
  • They were caught ... the airport. (Use the correct preposition.)
  •  15
  • Translate the Dutch word 'vrijlating' and spell it.
  •  15
  • Give a synonym of 'try' and spell it.
  •  20
  • What's the punishment in Peru for drug mules?
    5 up to 15 years prison sentence
  •  20
  • Which countries are the world's top cocaine producer and exporter (x 3)?
    Peru, Colombia and Bolivia
  •  20
  • Did the girls have bad luck in Lima when they were arrested?
    No, it was organised. The drug cartel snitched, so another mule could transport more.
  •  20
  • How can you transport drugs secretly? (x2) (The breast implant is quite rare.)
    Inject the drugs into clothes, packages of food and/or swallow it
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  • What was the initial sentence for Michaella?
    6 years and 8 months
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