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Festive Phrasal verbs

  •  English    20     Public
    Phrasal verbs
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Wait for something with pleasure or excitement 
    Look forward to
  •  15
  • Delay, postpone
    Put off
  •  15
  • Place something somewhere so that everybody notices it.
    Put up
  •  15
  • Attach something somewhere from the top of the object
    Hang up
  •  15
  • Covering something completely with paper material
    Wrap up
  •  15
  • Stop doing something; for example, a bad habit
    give up
  •  15
  • Find yourself in a place you didn't intent to go to
    End up
  •  15
  • Take part in a social activity outside the house
    Go out
  •  15
  • Meet by chance
    Bump into
  •  15
  • To hit an obstacle by accident
    Bump to
  •  15
  • To stop doing what you decided to do, for example because it is too dificult
    give up
  •  15
  • To end a telephone conversation by putting the receiver down
    hang up
  •  15
  • To make you stop liking someone or something.
    Put off
  •  15
  • To finish or conclude something
    Wrap up
  •  15
  • To stop burning or shining
    go out
  •  15
  • Use "look forward to" to ask something to a class mate
  •  15