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TOEFL independent speaking questions

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  •  English    42     Public
    Test takers can use this resource to practice independent questions and topics before the actual exam.
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  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Boys and girls should attend separate schools. Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
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  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To be successful in business, a person should be outgoing and friendly. Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
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  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should spend time watching the news about foreign countries. Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
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  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Celebrities should be able to use their popularity and money to help others.
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  • When people travel, some enjoy visiting places they have never been to. Other people prefer to return to places they have already seen. Which do you choose? Explain why. Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
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  • Some people would like to borrow money to make a large purchase. Others will save money until they can afford it. Which do you think is a better way and why? Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
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  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Boys and girls should attend separate schools. Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
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  • Since students now all have laptops, the school decides to cancel the computer lab. Do you think it is a good idea or not? Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
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  • Some people think that risk-taking activities such as rock climbing and skydiving require a lot of bravery, while others believe it is not bravery but simple foolishness. Which opinion do you agree with, and explain why? Give specific reas
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  • Some people believe that doing homework is not helpful for younger children and that it should be given only to older students. Others believe that homework should be assigned to children of all ages. Which point of view do you agree with?
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  • Some professors do not let students record their classes. Do you agree or disagree? Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
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  • Some university students participate in clubs or activities in addition to doing schoolwork. Other students spend most of their time doing schoolwork and do not participate in extra activities. Which do you think is better and why? Give sp
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  • Should old buildings be replaced with new ones? Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
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  • When traveling, do you choose to stay in a hotel or a tent? Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
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  • Which do you prefer? Choose a job with more money or a job with a sense of achievement? Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
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  • Some people believe that businesses should be required to spend a certain amount of their profits on social programs that benefit the public and their communities. Others believe that businesses should be able to decide how to spend their p
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