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I Survived the California Wildfire

  •  English    21     Public
    review game
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  • What sport does Josh play? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Josh plays basketball.
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  • Where did Josh's dad go? Why? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Josh's dad went to jail because he was stealing money from the bank.
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  • What kind of animal is King Kong?
    King Kong is a snake.
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  • On page 25 it says, "Monitor lizards like Bubbles are native to Africa and Indonesia." Why is Bubbles in California? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Bubbles is in California because people would buy animals online. Once they got bigger, they would let them go in the wild.
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  • On page 30 it says, "But somehow he and Holly got along." Why is it surprising that Josh and Holly get along? Answer in a complete sentence.
    It is surprising that Josh and Holly get along because they come from different backgrounds and have different interests.
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  • Are wildfires ever good? Explain in a full sentence.
    Sometimes small wildfires can be good because they get rid of the dead trees and brush. That way, larger wildfires don't happen.
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  • What did Josh think about Holly’s decision to keep King Kong’s old skin? Use a quote from the text to support your answer. (Hint: page 38)
    Josh thought that keeping the snake skin was strange. Quote: "Yikes, Josh thought... old toenails or something."
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  • What's happening in the picture? (p42)
    The helicopter is dropping flame retardant on the forest.
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  • What is a fire line? (p49) Answer in a complete sentence.
    A fire line is a dirt path around a fire to stop the fire from spreading.
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  • What did Holly and Josh smell when they were in the forest together? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Holly and Josh smelled smoke when they were in the forest together.
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  • On page 70, Holly says, "Nobody is supposed to be having campfires now, anywhere." Why? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Holly said that nobody should be having campfires now because they fire risk is too high.
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  • When Holly and Josh were in the fire, they followed the animals. Why? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Holly and Josh followed the animals because they knew the best escape route.
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  • What was Josh and Holly's plan to escape the fire when they were at the lake? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Josh and Holly's plan to escape was to use the zip line to get to the other side of the river.
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  • In the fire, Josh and Holly both got injured. What happened to each of them? How? Answer in a complete sentence.
    In the fire, Josh's arm got badly burned by a flying piece of bark that was on fire. Holly broke her leg from landing in the water from the zip line.
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  • How did Josh feel when he was carrying Holly away from the flames? Answer in a complete sentence. (p92)
    Josh felt both terrified and energized when he carried Holly away from the flames.
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  • How were Josh and Holly rescued from the fire? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Josh and Holly were rescued from the fire by Lucas and Eleanor in the Huey.
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