Game Preview

Review How to…

  •  English    14     Public
    Pre-int EF
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Afraid ….
  •  15
  • Chocolate is good … you
  •  15
  • Moscow is full …
    Of …
  •  15
  • Russia is famous …
  •  15
  • How to survive meeting your boyfriend/ girlfriend’s parents? 3 tips
  •  25
  • You spent 10 days on an island with dangerous animals, you didn’t die. You ….
  •  20
  • What did Nigel do wrong? Name 3 things
  •  20
  • People who arrive on time are
  •  15
  • Why did Ilya miss the lesson on Tuesday?
    He was ill, had a temperature and headache
  •  15
  • When do we use Infinitive (name 4 rules)
    After some verbs, after adjectives, to give a reason, after question words
  •  25
  • Kirill’s Weekend (speak for 1 minute)
  •  25
  • Which county won the match yesterday?
  •  15
  • To support a football club
    To root for
  •  15
  • What does a new man mean
    A man who can look after a baby, cook and clean
  •  25