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Miketz Perek 41 review

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  • (א) How much time went by since the last פרשה?
    2 years
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  • (א) What was פרעה doing? Where was he "standing"?
    Having a dream. Above/next to the Nile River.
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  • (א) Why is the Nile called יאור (canal) and not נהר (river)? (רש"י)
    They made use of the Nile by digging canals to water their fields.
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  • (ב) What came out of the river? What did they do?
    7 good looking cows with healthy flesh. They grazed in the swamp.
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  • (ג) What came out of the river next?
    7 skinny, ugly cows with little flesh
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  • (ד) What did the skinny cows do?
    They ate the healthy cows.
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  • (ד-ה) What happened after פרעה dreamt about the healthy cows being swallowed? What does פרעה do next?
    פרעה woke up. Goes back to sleep!
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  • (ה) What does פרעה see in the 2nd dream?
    7 healthy & good ears of grain growing on 1 stalk
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  • (ו) What sprouted next?
    7 thin ears, beaten by the east wind.
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  • (ז) What did the 2nd ears of grain do?
    They swallowed up the 7 healthy ones.
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  • (ז) "וְהִנֵּה חֲלוֹם" - explain (רש"י).
    The dream was now complete and needed to be interpreted.
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  • (ח) How did פרעה feel in the morning?
    "His spirit was disturbed."
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  • (ח) Who did פרעה call for?
    The magicians and wise men of מצרים.
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  • (ח) וְאֵין פּוֹתֵר אוֹתָם לְפַרְעֹה - רש"י קשיא תרץ
    Why does it say to פרעה? They said interpretations, just פרעה didn't accept them
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  • (ט) Who made a suggestion to פרעה? How does he begin?
    The butler. "I am mentioning my sins..."
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  • (י) What does the butler remind פרעה about?
    When פרעה got angry at him & the baker and put them in prison
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