Game Preview

Showing Empathy

  •  English    13     Public
    Practice using an empathetic response.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Someone tripped and fell and is embarrassed.
    Respond in a kind way.
  •  15
  • Someone is getting made fun of and feels hurt.
    I understand how you feel.
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  • Someone got a bad grade on a test and feels dumb.
    I'm sorry you got a bad grade, I bet you are frustrated.
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  • Someone is embarrassed bc they are getting spoken to by the teacher.
    I know it's embarrassing, but you'll do better next time.
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  • Someone is sad because their pet is sick.
    I'm sorry your pet isn't feeling well, that must be scary.
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  • Someone is tired because they didn’t get enough sleep due to a family fight.
    That must be hard to hear fighting at night, let me know if you need to talk.
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  • Someone is nervous before their sporting event.
    I feel nervous too, it's normal to feel that way.
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  • Someone is proud because they won first place.
    You must be so proud and happy! You deserve it! Great job.
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  • Someone is happy because they they got a compliment.
    Great job! I'm happy for you!
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  • Someone is angry because they got picked on.
    I understand you're angry, do you want to talk to me?
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  • Someone is feeling sad because someone in their family is in the hospital.
    I'm sad too and will keep you in my thoughts.
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  • Someone is being mean to you because they are in a bad mood.
    I see that you're upset is there anything I can do to help?
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  • Someone rolls their eyes at you because they think you don’t like them.
    I see you are upset, did I do something wrong?
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