Game Preview

Dec 6th Review

  •  English    0     Public
    ESOL DEc 6th Review
  • What is a concert?
    A musical event held in a large space
    A criminal who cons people out of their money
    A type of breath mint
  •  15
  • A museum is a:
    place where you can see art and historic objects
    place where your car can be fixed
    place where you can be amused by comedians
  •  15
  • A tour is:
    a type of car
    a guided trip to see something
    a musical instrument
  •  15
  • Afford means:
    A type of dress
    You can cross over a river
    You can pay for it
  •  15
  • Admission means:
    A religious facility
    A type of TV ad
    Being allowed to come into an event or place
  •  15