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Phrasal Verbs (Language II)

  •  English    12     Public
    Look at the pictures, read the sentences, complete with correct the prepositions and guess the meaning.
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  • We have been travelling by car for a lot of time and also the car is very old. I think we should stop as the engine won't ____________ the strain. [stand up to] [stand down to] [stand in for]
    The engine won't [stand up to] the stain. stand up to: resist, bear stress.
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  • As he hasn't got time to study, he decides to ___________ as captain of the team. [step down] [step up] [come out]
    He decides to [step down] as captain of the team. Step down: resign - colloquial
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  • He has __________ his training to prepare for the race. [stepped up] [stepped down] [broke off]
    He has [stepped up] his training to prepare for the race. Step up: Increase
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  • A: Don't be bullied!!! I'm going to talk to him. B: I don’t need any help, thanks. I can __________ myself. [stand up to] [stick up for] [add up]
    I can [stick up for] myself. Stick up for: Defend – specially yourself, your rights – colloquial
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  • I thought she was a naive wife. She really ______ me _____ completely with her story. Now, I know she's a liar. [carry out] [step up] [took in]
    She really [took me in] completely with her story. Take in: Deceive.
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  • I know you've had a bad day, but you don't have to ___________ me! It's not my fault. [take it out on] [ask after] [take in]
    you don't have to [take it out on] me! It's not my fault. Take (it) out on: Make someone else suffer because of one’s own sufferings.
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  • Zoe __________ Kim Kardashian really well. [stand by] [take in] [take off]
    Zoe [take off] Kim Kardashian really well. Take off: Imitate – colloquial
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  • All of us have __________ a new lifestyle since this quarantine. [taken in] [slipped up] [taken on]
    All of us have [taken on] a new lifestyle since this quarantine. Take on: Acquire a new characteristic.
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  • Be careful you are ____________ too much with this full-time job. remember that you have other activities too. [running up] [turning down] [taking on]
    Be careful you are [taking on] too much with this full-time job. Take on: Do something extra.
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  • I’m going to ___________ a life insurance policy. just in case. [stand by] [take out] [put up with]
    I’m going to [take out] a life insurance policy. just in case. Take out: Insurance – sign an insurance agreement.
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  • IBM is ___________ the smaller company. [taking over] [set out] [call up]
    IBM is [taking over] the smaller company. Take over: Gain control of.
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  • You'll soon ___________ your new boss, I'm sure. [rip off] [take to] [see someone off]
    You'll soon [take to] your new boss, I'm sure. Take to someone/something: Develop a liking for.
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