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    You need to translate the sentences at inglish to spanish
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  • She don' like play videogames alone.
    A ella no li agrada jugar videojocs sola.
  •  10
  • Sometimes she wish be a turtle.
    A vegades ella desitja ser una tortuga.
  •  20
  • I am a student of the Puig.
    Soc estudiant del Puig.
  •  15
  • Tomorrow is festive day.
    Dema es dia festiu.
  •  15
  • I don't know do the homework...
    No se fer els deures...
  •  5
  • I am from Colombia. But i live in Spain
    Soc de colombia pero visc a espanya.
  •  5
  • Today is my birthday, now i am 13 years!
    Avui es el meu aniversari, ara ja tinc 13 anys!
  •  20
  • I have got 7 cousins and 3 brothers and sisters.
    Tinc 7 cusins i 3 germans y germanes.
  •  25
  • Before to stay at the Puig i was at the Torre Balldovina.
    Abans de estar al Puig vaig estar en el Torre Balldovina.
  •  10
  • I am going to buy a ring diamond.
    Estic anan a comprar un anell de diamant.
  •  15
  • I am a fire woman. I work 12 hours every day.
    Soc bombera, i treballo 12 hores cada dia.
  •  10
  • I am a perfect singer. I know sing beautiful, like a god.
    Soc una cantant perfecta. En se cantar precios, com deu.
  •  15
  • Firts study, second I play.
    Primer estudio, segon jugo.
  •  5
  • I like to much play with the computer, is very easy play videogames or just see videos on Youtube.
    M'agrada molt jugar amb l'ordinador, es molt facil jugar videojocs o nomes veure videos a Youtube.
  •  25
  • For homework i must do a drafting for Wendsday. Minimum 100 word
    De deures he de fer una redaccio per el dimecres. Minim 100 words.
  •  15
  • She like de grapes
    She doesn't like grapes
  •  25