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Mixed Conditionals Rules

  •  English    11     Public
    mixed conditionals
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Which conditionals do we mix when we talk about the past decisions and points in life which have the present results
  •  15
  • Which conditionals do we mix when describe how our traits of character affected the past situation?
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  • Can we use WOULD and WILL after IF?
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  • Check if the patter is right: 3+2 = If Past Perf, would have V3/ed
    no, If Past Perf, would V1/would be Ving
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  • Check if the pattern is right: 2+3 If would V1, would have V1
    no, If Past S, would have V3/ed
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  • Якщо б я не боялась павуків, я б тоді на злякалася.
    If I were not afraid of spiders, I would not have got scared then.
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  • Якщо б ми тоді не вирішили переїхати до столиці, я б зараз не працювала в цій компанії.
    f we had not decided to move to the capital city, I wouldn't be working in this company now.
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  • Якщо б Київ не був таким гарним містом, ми би сюди не переїхали.
    If Kyiv was not such a nice city, we would not have moved here.
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  • Якщо б я не любила італійську кухню, ми б не святкували мій день народження в італійському ресторані.
    If I did not like Italian cuisine, we would not have celebrated my birthday in Italian restaurant.
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  • Якщо б я не вийшла за нього, я б зараз не була щасливою матусею трьох діточок.
    If I had not married him, I would not be now a happy mother of three kids.
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  • Що б ти зараз робив, якщо б пропустив свій літак?
    What would you do now, if you had missed your flight?
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