Game Preview

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  • Jak dlouho ho znáš?
    How long have you known him?
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  • Dívá se na televizi už od 7 hodin ráno.
    He has been watching TV since 7 a.m.
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  • Nechal si narůst knír.
    He has grown a moustache.
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  • Čekám na tebe už půl hodiny!
    I have been waiting for you for half an hour.
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  • Rýze se pěstuje v Číně.
    Rice is grown in China.
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  • Labe pramení v Krokonoších.
    The Elbe rises in the Giant Mountains.
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  • Hrajeme šachy třikrát týdně.
    We play chess three times a week.
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  • Dneska jsem ho ještě neviděl.
    I haven't seen him yet today.
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  • Uběhl už 11 kilometrů.
    He has already run 11 kilometres.
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  • Běhá celé dnešní dopoledne.
    He has been runinng all the morning.
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  • Bolí ho hlava, protože hrál počítačovou hru celou noc.
    He has a headache because he has been playing a PC game all night.
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  • Moje sestra se zítra vdává.
    My sister is getting married tomorrow.
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  • Kde je Pavel? Opravuje auto v garáži.
    Where is Paul? He is repairing/fixing the car in the garage.
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  • Už jsi někdy byl v Norsku?
    Have you ever been to Norway?
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  • Dosud jsem tu knihu nepřečetl.
    I haven't read the book so far.
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  • Nemůže popadnout dech. Velmi rychle běžela.
    She is out of breath. She has been running fast.
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