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EOC Practice: Washington to Polk

  •  English    16     Public
    First Presidents
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What was Washington's advice on foreign relations?
    Stay out of other countries' affairs (isolationism)
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  • American sent delegates to France to discuss issues. France wanted money to see the Americans. What was this called?
    XYZ Affair
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  • What were the Alien and Sedition Acts?
    Immigrants could get sent home if they were suspected of acting or speaking out against the goverment/President.
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  • What is significant about Marbury v. Madison?
    It established judicial review.
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  • Which President conducted the Louisiana Purchase? From who? For how much?
    Thomas Jefferson; Napoleon (France); $15 million
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  • Why did Dolly Madison rescue a portrait of Washington on Aug. 25, 1814?
    The French were burning the White House in the War of 1812.
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  • What was ironic about Andrew Jackson's victory in the Battle of New Orleans?
    The war was over but he didn't know it; he became a national hero because of that battle.
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  • What happened to the Federalist Party after the War of 1812?
    It collapsed
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  • What American document was designed to keep Europeans from meddling in the Americas?
    The Monroe Doctrine
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  • Why is Eli Whitney important? (What did he invent and how did it affect other people?)
    He invented the cotton gin and it increased slavery
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  • Why is Andrew Jackson's presidency often referred to as the "Era of the Common Man"?
    He promoted and expanded suffrage to all white men
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  • What was the "Spoils System?"
    Andrew Jackson appointed his friends to government jobs when he became President.
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  • What did Andrew Jackson do with the National Bank?
    He moved the money to state banks to get rid of the national bank.
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  • How does Andrew Jackson react to Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831)? What happened to the native population?
    He ignored it and made the Native Americans move west.
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  • What is Manifest Destiny?
    The belief that it is the God-given right of the United States to expand west.
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  • What were the major achievments of President Polk's presidency?
    He expanded America's reach to the west including the Oregon Territory and the Gadson Purchase.
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