Game Preview

Last Day of November

  •  English    13     Public
    Review Prepare 3
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • A polite Way to say someone is fat
  •  15
  • An adjective to describe a person who is not fat, looks attractive
  •  15
  • The elevator (speak for 40 seconds)
  •  15
  • School memory test (Veronica’s answers)
  •  15
  • School memory test (Lida)
  •  15
  • PE stands for
    Physical Education
  •  15
  • Двенадцатиперстная кишка
  •  15
  • Education in Finland (speak for 40 seconds)
  •  15
  • Say 3 new words you learned today
    Duodenum , PE, divide
  •  15
  • This is school subject students do an emotion
  •  15
  • How do some experts think our brains lesson
    Our brains don’t divide our learning into subjects
  •  15
  • This place is low and is often between two mountains
  •  15
  • Happy tick ¡¡¡¡ name teacher ¿
    Lidaaa a a a a a a a a a a a a a. :))));))));)):);;)));;)());
  •  15