Game Preview

Lord fo the flies CH 9-10

  •  English    18     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Where does Simon go after he leaves the "lord of the flies"?
    To the mountain
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  • What does Simon discover about the beast?
    It is the dead parachute man.
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  • Why do Ralph and Piggy attend Jack's feast?
    They are hungry. THey want to eat meat.
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  • How is Jack described at the feast?
    Like an idol
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  • What happens that causes Ralph to point out that Jack has no shelters to protect his tribe?
    It begins to rain.
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  • What happens in the frenzy of the dance at the end of the feast?
    THe boys kill Simon.
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  • What does "the beast" tell the boys during the hunt?
    There is a dead man on a mountain.
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  • Which of these boys does NOT stay with Ralph: SamnEric , Piggy, Roger
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  • What does Ralph believe happened to Simon?
    He was murdered.
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  • What explanation does Piggy give for what happened?
    It was an accident.
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  • How did Samneric get their injuries?
    from the mock hunt that killed Simon
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  • What is Robert's job at Castle Rock?
    Guards the entrance.
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  • What weapon does Jack's tribe have to protect the entrance of the Castle Rock?
    A huge boulder
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  • . What does Robert tell Roger that Jack is going to do?
    He is going to beat Wilfred.
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  • What does Bill ask that makes Jack blush?
    What will we use for lighting the fire?
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  • What does Piggy tell Ralph to say to Samneric about the night of the feast?
    That they left early.
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