Game Preview

Making Inferences

  •  English    17     Public
    4th Grade Inferencing
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • A person takes your temperature. Another person listens to your heart and asks how you are feeling. Where are you?
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  • You watch the screen. You see a man telling what the weather will be tomorrow. You switch the channel to watch a cartoon. What are you doing?
    Watching TV
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  • The boy looked at the cover and read the title. He looked at the pictures and some of the words. He went back to the beginning and began. What is the boy doing?
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  • The girl changed her clothes. She grabbed a towel and sunscreen. When she got there she walked to the edge, took a deep breath, and jumped in. What is the girl doing?
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  • Mom made a cake, decorated it, and put candles on it. There are lots of balloons. Children came with presents. Everyone played games. What is going on?
    A Birthday Party
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  • My brother woke up early and got dressed. After he ate breakfast, he waited for the bus. He and all the other children arrived as the bell was ringing. What is my brother doing?
    Going to School
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  • Dad put the tent and sleeping bags in the back of the car. Mom put the food in a cooler. The family got in the car and headed for the mountains. What is the family doing?
    Going Camping
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  • The children lined up at the door. Some took a ball and others took jump ropes. They ran out and began playing games. Where did the children go?
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  • He put meat, broccoli, and french fries on his plate. He picked up his knife and fork, cut the meat, put it in his mouth and began to chew. What is he doing?
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  • The family saw many animals. First, they saw the giraffes. Then they went to the bear den. They thought the monkeys were very fun to watch. Where is this family?
    At the Zoo
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  • You have to give it plenty of food and water. It needs to go outside and get fresh air and sunshine. You need to pet it and play with it. What do you have?
    A dog
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  • It was very quiet when we entered. There were people at tables. Others stood at shelves. We saw many books. What building were you in?
    A Library
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  • It was the night before. He was excited and could not sleep. His uniform lay on the bed. He had practiced with his bat and ball. The coach said this was going to be a great season. What is happening the next day?
    His first baseball game
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  • He heard a sound of twigs breaking. He was startled when an owl hooted. He walked through the trees and came to a creek. Where is he?
    In the woods
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  • We have tickets. We go to our seat and strap ourselves in. The cars start to move very slowly up the hill. Finally, we are at the top and then we quickly race down. Where are they?
    On a roller coaster
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  • The man made rows and put one type in each. He covered them and watered the rows every day. Soon he saw sprouts and he was able to pick them. What is the man doing?
    Planting a garden
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