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United Nations Overview

  •  English    12     Public
    Answer these questions about the basics of the history and functions of the United Nations.
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  • How many member states are there now in the United Nations, and where is the International Headquarters located?
    193 Member states International Headquarters is in New York City
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  • Why was the League of Nations formed and why was it disbanded?
    It was a reaction to the horrors of World War I. When World War II began, it was considered a failure since it did not prevent the war.
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  • In what year was the United Nations chartered (created)?
    1945 at the conclusion of World War II
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  • Name one of the four pilars of the United Nations
    1. Peace and Security 2. Human Rights 3. The Rule of Law 4. Development
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  • How many principal organs are there in the United Nations?
    There are 6: General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, International Court of Justice, Trusteeship Council, Secretariate
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  • How many member states may vote in the General Assembly
    All 193 have an equal vote.
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  • How many total members states participate in the security council?
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  • How many permanent members are there in the security council?
    There are 5. The USA, France, China, Russia, and the UK
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  • What power to the permanent members of the security council have?
    The power of veto to any resolution.
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  • Which UN body is known as ECOSOC
    The Economic and Social Council
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  • Which organ of the UN is not currently active and why?
    The Trustee Council was established for post colonial countries to transition into their independance. The last colony was transitioned many years ago.
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  • Which UN body decides disputes between member states?
    The International Court of Justice
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