Game Preview

8단원 문제

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  • <본문 문제> The students are giving group presentations for their first project. (T/F)
    F, final project
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  • The topic of the presentation is 'juldarigi'. (T/F)
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  • Juldarigi often highlights a school sports day. 주어를 강조하는 it that 강조 구문으로 바꾸기
    It is juldarigi that often highlights a school sports day.
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  • 줄다리기 의식에서 일련의 행동들이 똑같은 방식으로 수행됩니다. 그 행동들은 무엇일까요? (4가지)
    making the ropes, holding ceremonies, tugging the ropes, and staging special events after the game.
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  • Nobody knows exactly when the juldarigi tradition started in Korea, but our ancestors must have performed it for hundreds of years. 해석
    어느 누구도 줄다리기 전통이 한국에서 언제 시작됐는지를 정확히 알지 못하지만, 우리 조상들은 수백 년 동안 그것을 해 왔음에 틀림없습니다.
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  • In Korea, many towns have cherished this tradition, and some towns, such as Gijisi, Yeongsan, Samcheok, Gamnae, and Uiryeong, have developed it into exciting festivals. it이 가리키는 것은?
    this tradition
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  • Gijisi juldarigi ropes are believed to help couples have a child, cure bacaches, and bring good luck to the families that own them. 해석, 병렬구조 이루고 있는 부분 말하기
    기지시 줄다리기 밧줄은 부부가 아기를 가질 수 있게 도와주고 ,요통을 치료하며, 그 조각을 소유한 가족에게 행운을 가져다준다고 여겨진다는 것입니다. to hlep, cure, bring
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  • It was about 200 meters long and one meter thick, weighing over 40 tons. 에서 weighing 부분을 접속사를 사용한 문장으로 바꿔쓰세요.
    and it weighed
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  • It was my team that won. => My brother bought a new bike last sunday. 앞문장에서 강조한 것과 똑같은 성분을 강조한 문장으로 바꿔쓰세요.
    It was my brother that bought a new bike last sunday.
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  • They say that the country will be peaceful if the former team wins, and that it will have a good harvest if the latter wins. 해석하기. the former, the latter 무엇을 가리키는지 책에서 찾아서 답하세요.
    사람들이 말하기를 전자의 팀이 이기면 나라가 평화롭고, 후자가 이기면 풍년이 들 것이라고 합니다. the former=susang, the latter=suha
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  • While preparing our presentation, we learned that juldarigi isn't unique to Korea or other Asian countries. 해석하기, 분사구문 문장으로 바꿔쓰기.
    발표를 준비하면서, 우리는 줄다리기가 한국이나 몇몇 아시아 국가에만 있는 특별한 것은 아니라는 것을 알게 되었습니다. While we were preparing
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  • What is important is for us to inherit and further develop our traditional juldarigi for future generations. 해석
    중요한 것은 우리가 미래 세대를 위해서 우리의 전통적인 줄다리기를 계승해서 더 발전시키는 것입니다.
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  • Minji says that Korea is the only Asian country which has juldarigi rituals. (T/F)
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  • Dongho pulled the rope for the suha team. (T/F)
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  • Before ( ) France, I learned some basic French expressions. (visit) 알맞은 형태로 넣어주세요.
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