Game Preview


  •  Indonesian    8     Public
    this games is made about the tense
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • 1. 1. She … a cup of tea every evening a. Drank b. Drink c. Drunk d. Drinks e. Drinking
    d. Drinks
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  • 2... jesica opened the window last week? a. Has b. Is c.Does d. Had e.was
    d. had
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  • 3. They …. not watching tv two hours ago a. are b. have c.had d. were
    D. Were
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  • 4. she can …. a poem fast a.writes b.wrote c.writing d. writer e.write
    E. write
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  • 5. we … go to samosir last month a. could b.can c. will d.would e. are
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  • 6. He …. me chocolate for Valentine! a.Make b. Makes c.Made d.Making e.Maker
    b. makes
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  • 7. She _____ her dog everyday a. To feed b. Feed c. Feeds d. Feeding e. fed
    c. feed
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  • 8. Q: Do you like to sing? a. Yes, I likes to sing b. Yes, I like to sing c. Yes, I am liking to sing d. Yes, I liked to sing e. yes, I likes to sang
    b. Yes, I like to sing
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