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  •  English    18     Public
    Recap for week 1 to 4
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • "Typologies refers to the different types of tourist" True or false
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  • Why studying tourism typologies are important?
    It can help understand the decision making process and motivations to choose a certain destination or activity linked to a personal need
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  • Cohen's tourist typologies classified tourists into 2.............
    Institutionalised Tourism and Non-Institutionalised Tourism
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  • What are the 2 types of Non-Institutionalised Tourism?
    The explorer and the drifter
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  • Define the organised mass tourist (Cohen's tourist typologies)
    low on adventure he/she is anxious to maintain his/her ‘environmental bubble’ on the trip. Typically purchasing a ready made package tour off the shelf.
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  • Plog (1979)developed a theory which classified tourists into 2.........?
    Allocentrics and Psychocentrics
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  • What are the characteristics of Allocentrics travelers?
    Answer provided in the attached photo
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  • What are the characteristics of Psychocentrics travelers?
    Answer provided in the photo
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  • What type of tourism do you think Allocentric travelers prefer?
    Answer provided in the photo
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  • Smith (1989) identifies 6 different typologies from an Explorer (Cohen’s explorer & Plog’s allocentric) to Charter (Cohen’s mass & Plog’s psychocentric)
    Answer provided in the photo
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  • An early classification of travel motivators was developed by Gray (1970) He suggested that there were only two classifications....
    Wanderlust and Sunlust
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  • List the 4 steps of "BUYING BEHAVIOUR & DECISION MAKING"
    Awareness, interest, desire, action
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  • McIntosh & Goeldner (1990) list four categories of what they term basic travel motivators....
    Physical, Cultural, Interpersonal, status and prestige
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  • Define Pull and push factors in tourism? provide examples
    Open answer
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  • What is the difference between Wanderlust and Sunlust?
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  • List 3 of motivational push factors?
    Educational ,otives, social motives, Fun and excitement, escape, relaxation
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