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Cultural Diversity

  •  English    63     Public
    Introduction to Healthcare
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • The system of shared beliefs that are common among a group of people.
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  • What does culture include? (5 listed)
    Language, customs, values, art, social norms, etc.
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  • What does culture affect? (3 main ideas listed)
    Our BEHAVIOR (how we think, act, and feel); SOCIAL SKILLS (how we communicate/interact with others); HEALTHCARE (opinions on pain, medicine, health, etc.)
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  • Explain the Iceberg Analogy of Culture.
    Some aspects of culture are easy to see, above the surface. However, there is a much larger portion of culture, hidden beneath the surface.
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  • The cultural differences and variety that exist in the world, a society, or an institution.
    Cultural diversity
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  • What does cultural diversity include? (10 listed)
    Race, religion, socioeconomic status, gender, place of residence, disability, health status, sexual orientation, age, geographic origin
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  • This relates to a person's economic and social position in relation to others, based on income, education, and occupation.
    Socioeconomic status
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  • The concept of dividing people into groups on the basis of various sets of PHYSICAL characteristics.
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  • How does properly handling cultural diversity significantly affect our patients? (2 main ideas listed)
    It affects how patients respond to medical services and interventions and the type of quality care that patients receive.
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  • An official count of the population collected by the United States government every 10 years.
    US Census
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  • How is the data collected from the U.S. Census used?
    To inform many federal programs and policy decisions, including healthcare.
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  • The statistical data of the population in a specific area.
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  • Allowing your own feeling about a particular person or thing affect your actions or decisions.
    Personal bias
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  • Even the most enlightened, intelligent, and caring professionals have some personal biases, even if they are completely ________________.
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  • Treating patients differently because of their weight and/or assuming a patient with broken English is uneducated are examples of ________________.
    personal bias
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  • A _________________ is made by looking at the majority of people in a cultural group and using their societal norms to make a broad statement about the group's behavior.
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