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Environmental problems

  •  English    12     Public
    How much do you know about environmental problems? Take the quiz below:
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  • What is the main cause of global warming?
    The increase in greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide).
  •  15
  • What problems can fertilizer and pesticides cause?
    They cause soil pollution, which is a threat to food security.
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  • What is the greenhouse effect?
    It happens when heat gets trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere by greenhouse gases.
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  • How do rainforests help to control global warming?
    They absorb carbon dioxide.
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  • What type of soil do rainforests grow on? Why is this a problem?
    Poor quality soil, which means that it gets washed away by rain and may turn into desert.
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  • Why do the holes in the ozone layer have a harmful effect on people?
    They can cause skin cancer in people.
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  • Which countries use the most renewable energy?
    Iceland and Costa Rica.
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  • Why is taking the train better for the environment than planes?
    The environmental impact can be 90% less.
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  • What is more effective than recycling?
    Choosing products that use less plastic and paper.
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  • What is the biggst polluter nowadays?
    The car.
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  • Why is acid rain harmful to the environment?
    it contains acid from factory smoke and can cause damage to trees, rivers and buildings.
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  • When did the problem of deforestation become extremely serious?
    In the XXth century.
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