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21st Century Literature

  •  English    17     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Who are the Ilocanos'?
    They are Austronesians-speaking people from Southern China via Taiwan Families and clans arrived in the Philippines by viray or bilog meaning boat.
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  • The trem Ilocano originated from whta word?
    It has originated from the word looc or cove or bay, thus calling them people from the bay.
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  • Ilocanos refer to themselves as Samtoy, a contraction from the Ilokano phrase sai mi ditoy, which means what?-
    "our language here"
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  • Name the different places that comprises Ilocos region.
    Cagayan Valley, Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, Pangasinan and the portion of Cordillera region
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  • Difference of Iloko and Ilokano
    Iloko is the langauge while Ilokano refers to the people.
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  • What is the goal or purpose of GUMIL Filipinas?
    Ilocano writers association aims at ensuring the literary gem of the North-Ilocano literature prospers even in the 21st century.
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  • The most famous Ilocano literary piece that has been part of Deped's curriculum.
    Biag ni Lam-ang
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  • Who translated the epic poem of Biag ni Lam-ang in 1916?
    Pedro Bucaneg
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  • Define Iloko literature.
    pertains to any literary works of writers of Ilocano ancestry regardless of the language used.
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  • What is Bicol literature?
    any literary piece, in any language or person as long as it talks about Bicol, character, place or setting.
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  • What provinces comprises Bicol region?
    Albay, Camarines Sur, Camarines Norte, Catanduanes, Masbate and Sorsogon
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  • Bicol literature started to prosper during this period since the first printing press were used and introduced.
    Spanish Period
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  • He is said to be the Father of Bicol literature who created the first Bicol news paper "An Paraberata"
    Mariano Perfecto
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  • Retell the climax and the ending of the story "Daragang Magayon"
    Climax: when Daragang Magayon was shot by an arrow and Ulap was stubbed by one of Pagtugas henchman. Ending: Magayon became the Volcano while Ulap as clouds.
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  • Who is Lam-ang?
    Lam-ang is an extraordinary being, when he was born, he was already able to speak, thus enabling him to choose his own name.
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  • How did Magayon fall for the love of Ulap?
    She fell in love with Ulap upon saving her from drowning.
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