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NOCTI Practive

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  • Difficulty or inability to speak or comprehend words
  •  15
  • lithi
  •  15
  • A gait belt should be
    At the waist under clothing or gown
    At the hips
    At the waist over gown or clothing
    Slightly above the waist over clothing or gown
  •  15
  • What is a gait belt
    a belt to assist you when moving a resident
    a belt to hold up your pants
    a string of fabric
    gaits to your neighborhood
  •  15
  • Where should the buckle of the gait belt be when properly placed on a client?
    off to the side
    in the front
    no specified area
    in the back
  •  15
  • What is Dangling a Patient?
    a sitting position on the side of the bed
    medical procedure to take blood
    seems dangerous
    A laying down position for surgery
  •  15
  • The benefits of time management are...
    you will be able to manage your time more effectively.
    you will be able to focus on what you want to achieve
    all of the above
    will be able to be more productive.
  •  15
  • Highest level of infection control
  •  15
  • What does RACE stand for?
    Sorry i don't pay attention
    Rescue Alarm Contain Emergency
    Rescue Alarm Contain Extinguish or Evacuate
    Run Alarm Contain Exit
  •  15
  • We use PASS to remember how to use a fire extinguisher.
  •  15
  • A in PASS
    Aim at the fire
    Act like your on fire
    Aim high
    Aim low
  •  15
  • Danger,Biohazard!
  •  15
  • Pronation
    Moving a body part forward and parallel to the ground
    Moving a body part backward and parallel to the ground
    Turning the forearm so that the palm is down
    Turning the forearm so that the palm is up
  •  15
  • What is informed consent?
    medically, ethically, legally sound, valid, voluntary
    mentally competent individual
    shared decision making process between a patient and doctor
    all of the above
  •  15
  • An example of financial abuse
    Someone being hit/ slapped with money
    Personal items going missing
    Sudden withdrawal of money from an account
    Your parent(s)not giving you enough money
  •  15
  • What are some examples of physical abuse?
    Not being shown affection
    passionate, willing, friendly
    Fractions, dislocations, cuts, bruising, strangulation, poisoning
    Showing gentian parts
  •  15