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  •  English    20     Public
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  • What can happen if you do not pay taxes?
    We could not have libraries, schools, police station, etc.
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  • What is the name of the Institution that collects taxes in Peru?
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  • What are taxes?
    Taxes are money that we pay when we buy or sell something.
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  • What does IGV mean?
    It means: Impuesto General a las Ventas.
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  • When were the taxes created?
    They were created by kings, queens, emperors.
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  • What is the amount of money you pay for taxes?
    It is the 18% of the total buy.
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  • Why are taxes necessary?
    They are necessary have better schools, libraries, etc.
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  • What is the name of taxes in Peru?
    The name is IGV or Impuesto General a las ventas.
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  • What is the story of taxes?
    When the kings lived they needed money and jewelry. So the people had to pay for the good life of the kings.
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  • Why do people pay taxes to the SUNAT?
    Because the SUNAT gives benefits to the city.
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  • Do kids pay taxes?
    Yes, when they buy a candy or a chocolate bar
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  • Who pays the salary of teachers in Alapamayo? The SUNAT or Alpamayo?
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  • Does Alpamayo school pay taxes to the SUNAT?
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  • Do Tottus, Plaza VEa, Womg, etc pay taxes? Where
    Yes, to the SUNAT
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  • if you buy a product for 100 soles, how much will it cost if you add the taxes?
    118 soles
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  • Who pays the salary of the police?
    The SUNAT, the government.
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