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ELT terminology

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  •  English    15     Public
    Using Terminology for EFL Classrooms
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • TRUE or FALSE? "Accuracy" is the use of correct forms of grammar, vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation.
  •  15
  • NOUN - The name given to what the teacher wants to achieve in the lesson or in the course
  •  10
  • A particular way or a system for doing something is called a(n)...
    method / approach
  •  5
  • The focus on communicating meaning and ideas (or the content and ideas of the text), rather than trying to be correct
  •  15
  • The different ways learners and the teacher work together in class, e.g. learner to learner in pairs or groups
    Interaction patterns
  •  15
  • happens when the learner’s mother tongue affects performance in the target language, especially in pronunciation, lexis or grammar
    L1 interference
  •  15
  • Learning driven by outside factors, e.g. parental pressure
    Extrinsic motivation
  •  5
  • When a teacher asks a whole group or class to repeat an example together.
    choral repetion or chorus repetition
  •  15
  • A technique commonly used in language teaching for practising sounds or sentence patterns in a language, based on guided repetition.
  •  15
  • STT
    Student talking time
  •  15
  • TTT
    Teacher talking time
  •  15
  • A type of rapid reading when the reader wants to get the main idea(s) from a text.
    skimming/reading for gist
  •  15
  • "How long do you have to read this paragraph?" "What is the first thing you need to do?" Those are examples of...
    Instruction checking questions
  •  15
  • "Gadgets. Are they necessary? If we don't have them, will we die? It is an example of...
    Concept Checking questions
  •  15
  • Q: "What do you call the things you buy for a friend in their birthday?" A: "Present" What kind of technique?
  •  15