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French and Indian War

  •  English    33     Public
    French and Indian War
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  • Which Native American people joined forces with the British to drive French fur traders out of the Ohio Valley?
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  • Which of the following is NOT true about the Albany Plan of Union?
    It was written and presented by George Washington.
    It proposed the formation of a central government.
    It was not approved by any American colonies.
    It was a response to colonists’ concerns about land.
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  • Which of the following best describes William Braddock’s army at the Battle of the Monongahela?
    triumphant and superior to colonial fighters
    undisciplined and resistant to officers' orders
    stealthy and prepared for ambush
    well-trained but unprepared for frontier fighting
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  • The capture of which city ended the French control of Canada?
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  • What important benefit did the Treaty of Paris grant to American colonists?
    They had the right to fish in waters off the Canadian coast.
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  • Pontiac was a leader of which Native American people?
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  • What did the American colonists who joined the British army discover about the British?
    That British soldiers and officers looked down on them. They dealt out severe punishments to soldiers for small offenses. Colonial soldiers came to resent them.
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  • Which event began the French and Indian War?
    Washington’s defeat at Fort Duquesne
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  • What is a trading post?
    a small settlement established for the purpose of exchanging goods
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  • What is a treaty?
    a peace agreement
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  • When and where did the French and Indian War begin?
    The war started in 1754 in the Ohio River Valley.
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  • The French and Indian War was was fought between the
    French and the Indians
    The French and Indians against the British and the colonists
    Indians and the Spanish
    French and British against the Indians
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  • What was the main cause of the French and Indian War?
    The French and British claimed the same land.
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  • Who was the young military leader from Virginia who fought in the French and Indian war?
    George Washington
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  • What was the name of the fort built by George Washington in what is now Pennsylvania.
    Fort Necessity
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  • What impact did the French and Indian War have on the Native Americans?
    The Native Americans' traditional lands were now part of the British Empire.
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