Game Preview

How to Make a Phone Call

  •  English    9     Public
    Review for CFT
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is the first thing we do when we make a call?
    trade information
    say "hi"
    dial your friend's number
    say "goodbye"
  •  15
  • After we dial our friend's number, we
    give a reason to end the phone call
    trade information
    say bye
    let the phone ring until someone answers
  •  15
  • What do you do after someone picks up the phone
    say bye
    ask to speak to your friend
    dial your friend's number AGAIN
    end the phone call
  •  15
  • After you ask for your friend, you
    trade information
    end the call
    let them know who is calling
    say bye
  •  15
  • After you let them know who is calling, you
    let the phone ring
    give them the reason why you are calling
    say bye
    dial your friend's number
  •  15
  • After letting them know who is calling, you
    trade information
    let the phone ring
    dial your friend's name
    say bye
  •  15
  • After trading information, you
    dial your friend's number
    let the phone ring
    ask for their name
    give them the reason to end the call
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  • After giving the reason to end the call
    let the phone ring
    dial the phone number
    tell them you enjoyed talking to them
    trade information
  •  15
  • After telling them you enjoyed talking to them
    dial your friend's number
    run away
    say bye before you hang up
  •  15