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Cleft Sentences

  •  English    12     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • The Beatles first became popular in Europe, not in America. It was in...
    Europe that the Beatles first became popular
  •  25
  • I like my Aunt Emily best of al my relatives. My favourite...
    person of all my relatives is my Aunt Emily
  •  20
  • I'm questioning his dedication, not his principles. It isn't...
    his dedication I'm questioning, but his principles
  •  20
  • You need to take more exercise. What...
    you need is to take more exercise
  •  5
  • The link between cigarette smoking and cancer was only discovered in the 1950's.
    It was only in 1950's that the link between...
  •  20
  • I didn't realize I'd left my passport behind until I got to the airport
    It wasn't until I got to the airport that I realize...
  •  20
  • We inherited everything from our grandparents except the house in the lake. The...
    only thing we didn't inherit from our grandparents was the house in the lake
  •  20
  • My sister has always wanted to look like a movie star. All...
    my sister has ever wanted is to look like a movie star
  •  15
  • We're taking the au-pair with us. (DOING)
    What we are doing is taking the au-pair with us
  •  15
  • I didn't invite them to dinner. It was her.
    It wasn't me who invited them to dinner, it was her.
  •  15
  • Many people start doing Pilates to improve their posture (REASON)
    The reason why many people start doing Pilates is to improve their posture.
  •  5
  • We can only overcome stress if we identify its causes first
    The only way to overcome stress is if we identify its causes first
  •  20