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School Psych Midterm - Acronyms/Jargon

  •  English    22     Public
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  • What does FAPE stand for and what is it?
    Free and Appropriate Public Education - right of all children (including those with disabilities) to a free public education with accommodations and services
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  • What does MTSS stand for and what is it?
    Multi tiered systems of support - model that uses data-driven problem-solving and incorporates system-level change to address student needs
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  • What does RTI stand for and what is it?
    Response to intervention - a multitiered approach to identifying and supporting students with disabilities
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  • What does LRE stand for and what is it?
    Least restrictive environment - principle that says students should be educated with their peers in gen ed to the greatest extent possible
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  • What is IDEA?
    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act - 1990 legislation that guarantees children with disabilities specialized instruction and procedural safeguards
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  • What does RIOT stand for and what is it used for?
    record review, interviews, observations, tests - all of which you should use to evaluate eligibility as part of the multimethod approach
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  • What is an IEP?
    Individualized Education Plan/Program - outlines a student's eligibility, performance, goals, accommodations and services
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  • What is a 504 plan?
    Formal plan to give people with disabilities the services/accommodations that they need to be access curriculum
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  • What did Brown vs. Board of Education establish?
    Separate cannot be equal - segregation is unconstitutional
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  • What happened at the Thayer Conference?
    School psychology was defined, helped shape the field into what it is today
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  • What is FERPA?
    family educational rights and privacy act - protects the privacy of student educational records and outlines parents' rights to the records
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  • What are the 4 key components of the Problem Solving Model?
    problem identification, problem analysis, plan development, plan evaluation
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  • What is COMAR?
    Code of Maryland Regulations - a compilation of all administrative regulations issued by agencies of the state of Maryland
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  • What are NASP and MSPA?
    National Association of School Psychologists, Maryland School Psychologist Association
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  • Name the 14 eligibility categories
    autism, blindness, deafness, ED, hearing impt, ID, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impt, OHI, SLD, speech/language impt, TBI, visual impt, dev delay
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  • What is ESY?
    Extended School Year - students are entitled to services over the summer if their academics are in severe jeopardy when they're out of school
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