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Review topic 3

  •  Vietnamese    20     Public
    Review sounds d, đ, i, k, l, h, ch, kh
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • How to say "Market has chives, starfruits and pears"
    Chợ có hẹ, khế và lê
  •  25
  • What does "Chợ ở kề bờ đê" mean?
    The market is next to the dyke
  •  20
  • Tell the story "Bé và chị đi chợ"
    Open your book, page 39
  •  25
  • How to say "kite" in Vietnamese
  •  10
  • How to say "Aunt has red beans"
    Dì có đỗ đỏ.
  •  15
  • What does "Bé có đàn ghi-ta" mean?
    Baby has guitar
  •  5
  • What does "Linh mặc đầm" mean?
    Linh wears dress
  •  5
  • Pronounce one by one "cricket"
    D - ê - de - (sắc) - DẾ, dế
  •  5
  • Pronounce one by one "lake"
    H - ô - hô - (huyền) - HỒ, hồ
  •  15
  • What does "hồ" mean?
  •  15
  • How to say "leather wallet"
    Ví da
  •  20
  • What does "Gà ăn kê" mean?
    Chicken eat millet
  •  5
  • How to say "An eats bread"
    An ăn bánh mì
  •  5
  • How to say "Linh goes to the market, buys pencil".  (Note: "buy" is "mua" in Vietnamese)
    Linh đi chợ mua bút chì
  •  15
  • Pronounce one by one "vase"
    L - o - lo - (nặng) - LỌ, lọ
  •  5
  • What is "Chà là" in English? Pronouce it.
    Ch - a - cha - HUYỀN - chà ; L - a - la - HUYỀN - là ; CHÀ LÀ
  •  5