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G7 (U1, U2)

  •  English    23     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • GR: Atom is electrically neutral.
    No. Of + protons inside nucleus equals to No. of - electrons outside nucleus
  •  15
  • What is the name of this element? / Write its electronic configuration .
    Potassium / K 2, L 8, M 8, N 1
  •  15
  • Describe what happens during the heating of solid for a long time.
    M. gain T.E, the speed increases, At M.P the I.F weaken, so the I.S increases more and they become more free and the solid melts into liquid
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  • What happens to the K.E when: Increasing the speed of an object to the double and decreasing its mass to half.
    K.E is doubled
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  • What is the energy used and produced?
    electric or chemical / thermal
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  • This element is:.................../ No. of protons:.............../ No of neutrons:....................
    Bromine, 35, 45
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  • G.R: Atoms of inactive elements don't take part in the chemical reaction.
    The outermost energy level is completely filled with electrons (they are stable)
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  • GR: No change in the potential energy when the object moves horizontally.
    Because the height doesn't change ( = zero), and the P.E is directly proportional to the height
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  • Calculate the mass of an object, its kinetic energy equals 90 J, and its speed equals 6 m.sec.
    5 Kg
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  • GR: Water is not used for put out petrol fire.
    The D. of petrol is less than water, so it floats on the water surface and the fire keep burning.
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  • We can divided materials according to the hardness into 3 groups: 1.......,2.........,3........
    Rubber,Metals, Coal
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  • GR: Cooking pots are made up of aluminium.
    Good heat conductor and has high melting point.
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  • GR: Sodium and potassium are kept under kerosene surface.
    To protect them from reaction with atmospheric oxygen.
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  • What are examples of inactive metals?
    Gold, Silver, Platinum, Nickel.
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  • GR: Metallic spare parts are covered with grease.
    To protect them from rust and corrosion.
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  • Complete: ..................solution and....................solution are bad electric conductors.
    Sugary solution, hydrogen chloride in benzene.
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