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Revision - English at Cozzuol

  •  English    11     Public
    Business English
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • if you need new ideas, you have this type of meeting
    brainstorming meeting
  •  15
  • the person who leads a meeting is the...
  •  15
  • Imagine you have to ask for a meeting. How can you say this?
    Can we meet.../ I'd like to schedule a meeting
  •  15
  • the main office or building of a company
  •  15
  • a place where faulty products are mended
    service centre
  •  15
  • name the difference between department and apartment
    department = places inside a company / apartment = place where you live
  •  15
  • When a person or organisation is unable to pay their debts.
  •  15
  • Define perks
    something your employer gives you in addition to your pay
  •  15
  • "The schedule wasn't exactly clear" Is schedule a verb or a noun in this sentence? Why?
    A noun
  •  15
  • Name three ways of saying no politely
  •  15
  • What registers do we have in English? Use examples
  •  15