Game Preview

Formal and informal

  •  English    6     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • I will not put up with bad behaviour.
    Bad behaviour will not be tolerated.
  •  15
  • Question 7 can be omitted.
    You can leave out question 7
  •  15
  • I'II deal with those issues tomorrow
    Those issues will be addressed tomorrow
  •  15
  • They are pulling down the old hall next week
    The old hall is being demolished next week
  •  15
  • Unfortunately, the city council turned down our proposal.
    Unfortunately, our proposal was rejected.
  •  15
  • We've put off the decision till next week.
    The decision has been postponed till next week
  •  15
  • He's already been reprimanded twice
    I've told him off twice already.
  •  15