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resolución de problemas/ problem solving

  •  Spanish    18     Public
    Kelso's Choices & STEP
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is the difference between a big problem and a small problem?
    Big problems are scary, dangerous and someone can get hurt.
  •  10
  • Show what you look like when you ignore someone
    Not looking, talking or listening to the other person.
  •  10
  • Show how to say "Stop" in a respectful voice.
    Calm voice, direct eye contact, hand up
  •  10
  • Name three ways that you could solve a small problem without asking an adult for help.
    Talk It Out Share and Take Turns Ignore It Walk Away Apologize Make a Deal Go to Another Game Tell Them to Stop Wait and Cool Off
  •  20
  • Name 3 adults you could report to if you had a big problem at school.
    Mr. Santos, Sra. Pomfret, Sra. Cho, Sra. Andrea, Sr. Eric, parents
  •  5
  • If you and your friend both want to play with the only jump rope around, which one of Kelso’s Choices could you use?
    Share and Take Turns, Make a Deal
  •  20
  • A person in your class looked at you and rolled his eyes. You used a choice of Kelso. Then, at recess during recess, he told you that your shirt was ugly. Should you use another Kelso's Choice or tell an adult?
    Use another Kelso’s Choice
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  • You had an argument with your friend. During the argument, you yelled at your friend and said some mean things. Now, you feel bad about what you said and you want to be friends again. Which option would help you with your problem?
    Apologize, Talk it Out
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  • How do you apologize?
    Say, " I am sorry for ______. Next time, I will _____."
  •  10
  • How do you talk it out?
    Say, "I feel ____ when you _____ because _____. Next time, please _____."
  •  10
  • While you're in line, the person behind you keeps tapping you on the shoulder and then laughing about it. You asked them to stop, but they keep bothering you. What other Kelso's Choice could you use?
    Ignore, Talk it out
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  • Your friend said something mean to you. You are so mad at your friend and want to fight.
    Wait and Cool Off, Walk Away
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  • Alicia made fun of your nose yesterday and again today. You've asked her to stop and ignore her. If he teases you again, would it be okay to tell an adult? Why? Why not?
    Yes, because you used 2 Kelso's choices already.
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  • Your best friend recently started hanging out with someone else instead of you. Which Kelso’s Choice should you try?
    Talk it Out, Ignore It, Go to Another Game
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  • Two students in your class whisper to each other. They look at you and roll their eyes. This bothers you. Is this a small problem or a big problem? What would be a good way to handle this problem?
    Small problem – Ignore It, Walk Away, Talk it Out, Tell Them to Stop.
  •  20
  • Natalie keeps saying you have a boyfriend, when you really don't. This makes you so angry! Which Kelso option would help you with this problem?
    Wait and chill, walk away, ignore it, tell them to stop, talk it out
  •  20